Release 1.15

New features for this release:

* Ping Within
When you need your PushMon URL to be pinged on a specific time range, you may add “within” on your schedule. Accepts “hour/s” and “minute/s”.

Schedule example: “every 3:00 PM within 1 hour” – This means that a ping within 2:00 PM to 2:59 PM is valid and will keep your PushMon URL status UP.

Any pings outside the within range is invalid and will make the PushMon URL status DOWN upon its check.

* PagerDuty support
If you have a PagerDuty account and you want to be alerted on PagerDuty, just input your API Key to your PushMon URL.
For more details, here’s how to include your PagerDuty to your PushMon URL.

* Optional Description text box
A text box is added for the PushMon URL’s description. This description is included in the alert to make it easier for the PushMon URL to be distinguished.

* Additional URL alert for UP status.
We have separated URL calls as alerts for DOWN and UP status.
In the URL tab, there’s now a URL text box which will be called for DOWN state and a separate URL text box for UP state.